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Autobotik 3E Transformation Model

The global automotive industry has undergone a sea of change driven by technologies such as autonomous, electrification and connected vehicles as they converge to accelerate this change. Today’s industry is driven by faster innovation cycles, disruptive technologies with changes in consumer preferences such as mobility-on-demand and public transportation. Fundamental enablers for these changes may be traced to significantly higher computing capability, vastly improved network speeds and hyperbolic advances in software engineering. Besides, there is a new trend in manufacturing and new mobility devices such as EV skateboard platforms, PMDs and smart robotic vehicles. Though the awareness about these changes is widely accepted in the industry, many organizations still struggle to navigate in this maze. While it is obvious that infusion of technical skills and capability is at the core of such transformation, it is simply not enough. It calls for a strategy that involves identifying the right differentiating technology elements under autonomous, electrification and connected space and aligning them with relevant business models. You can find a more detailed elaboration of this in our post : Navigating Transformation .

Given this backdrop, Autobotik recommends a structured 3-stage transformation  model that we call the 3E model®. The graphic below shows the essential elements of this model - The “Explore” phase, The “Engage” phase and The “Execute” phase. At Autobotik, we have developed our own templates and processes for each of these phases based on our structured thought process and experience of working with several large and medium organizations. 

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The Explore Phase 

We believe that the first step towards sustainable transformation is to understand and baseline current organizational maturity, discover long term goals and the sweet spot where you intend to grow. Based on our experience and understanding of technology and business drivers, we have developed our methodology and process to perform maturity assessment. 




4-Quadrant Complexity Analysis

Global Footprint Analysis

KANO modeling workshop

Competency Maps

Strategy Maps and Landscape Analysis


Detailed SWOT analysis based on current state, organization vision and recommendations

The Engage Phase 

Any change process in an organization typically begins with building a shared need through awareness and education across the organization. Using the maturity assessment and the gap analysis, a customized training and coaching  program is developed to cover key leadership stakeholders. This is a continuous process and we understand that alignment of stakeholders to a shared vision will take its own time based on organizational culture and dynamics. The objective of this phase is to support the leadership to begin this journey, lay out the path and let the internal team lead this effort. 


Multi-Generation Planning Tools

Impact Analysis

Business Value Proposition


Layered training and coaching plan

Co-develop Multi-generation plan (Task Team)

Identified 'Quick Hits' and 'Big Bets'

The Execute Phase 

Based on the need and support required, we engage in an advisory role to support execution of the quick hits . This is a long process which requires consistent internal leadership. Autobotik has experience to support this activity with our internal tools and experience with similar organizations. Our network of consultants can coach the teams both on technical depth and business value of both short term and long term projects. 


Advisory Retainership

Targeted Reviews

Flexibility based on business need


Recommendations and Actions

KPI and Metrics 

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